Stake Conference Meetings - 01/17/2021
Leadership Meeting - 8am to 9:30am
General Session - 10am to Noon
Organization | Virtual Link | week |
6th Ward Sacrament | 1,2,3,4 | |
6th Ward Relief Society | 2 | |
6th Ward Elders Quorum | 4 | |
6th Ward Young Women | 2,4 | |
6th Ward Young Mens | 2,4 | |
6th Ward Gospel Doctrine | 2,4 | |
6th Ward Youth Sunday school | 2,4 | |
2,4 | ||
2,4 |
Organization | Virtual Link | week |
8th Ward Sacrament | 1,2,3,4 | |
8th Ward Relief Society | 2 | |
8th Ward Elders Quorum | 4 | |
8th Ward Young Women | 2,4 | |
8th Ward Young Men | 2,4 | |
8th Ward Gospel Doctrine | 2,4 | |
8th Ward Youth Sunday School | 2,4 | |
2,4 | ||
2,4 |
Organization | Virtual Link | week |
12th Ward Sacrament | http://mywebcast.churchofjesuschrist.org/murrayutahlittlecottonwoodstake | 1,2,3,4 |
12th Ward Relief Society | Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/98948873571?pwd=eHBybFRSdjQ0K0gzelZxaFhiNW91Zz09 Meeting ID: 989 4887 3571 Passcode: lc12thward | 2 |
12th Ward Elders Quorum | Join Zoom Meeting https://zoom.us/j/93121483179?pwd=VjJocGo1R1prYjBoeW8wV2ZYVzVFdz09 Meeting ID: 931 2148 3179 Passcode: 12thwardEQ | 4 |
12th Ward Young Women | In Person | 2,4 |
12th Ward Young Mens | In Person | 2,4 |
12th Ward Gospel Doctrine | 2,4 | |
12th Ward Youth Sunday School | In Person | 2,4 |
2,4 | ||
2,4 |
Organization | Virtual Link | week |
18th Ward Sacrament Meeting | https://zoom.us/j/95041341559 | 1,2,3,4 |
18th Ward Youth | https://docs.google.com/document/d/1jS03LMmobTjYH-xXmbpyLM1ctm_nO0s0eumCu6BOS_I/edit?usp=share_link |
Organization | Virtual Link | week |
Belview Sacrament | 1,2,3,4 | |
Belview Relief Society | 2 | |
Belview Elders Quorum | 4 | |
Belview Young Women | 2,4 | |
Belview Young Men | 2,4 | |
Belview Gospel Doctrine | https://us05web.zoom.us/j/4999229564?pwd=OFNmb3pJOXBuZm1UOWxibHJvTW5SQT09 Meeting ID: 499 922 9564 Passcode: Belview | 2,4 |
Belview Youth Sunday School | 2,4 | |
2,4 | ||
2,4 |